HUT Ke 61 Tahun 2018
Ketua DPD LVRI Provinsi Riau, membacakan amanat Ketua Umum DPP LVRI Pada acara upacara Bendera dihalaman Mada LVRI Riau
tgl. 4 Januari 2018
Salah seorang Anggota LVRI Imam Pamuji membacakan Panca Marga
Pada Upacara Bendera di halaman Mada LVRI Riau
Pada tgl. 4 Januari 2018
LVRI Riau Yang di hadiri para Undangan Kepala Dinas Sosial Provinsi Riau, Kesbangpol Prov. Riau, Kaminvetcad 1/21 Pekanbaru, Ketua DPC LVRI Kota Pekanbaru dan Wantimda, pengurus, anggota LVRI, Piveri, PPM, FKPPI pada tgl. 4 Januari 2018 pada acara Syukuran di Mada LVRI Prov. Riau Pekanbaru.
Pemotongan Nasi Tumpeng oleh Ketua DPD LVRI Provinsi Riau, selanjutnya diserah kepada Veteran yang tertua Bapak Sutan Jaafar Pada acara Syuluran di Mada LVRI Riau tgl. 4 Januari 2018
Pemotongan nasi Tumpeng oleh Kepala Dinas Sosial Provinsi Riau diserahkan kepada Veteran termuda H. Darmawi Chan tgl. 4 Januari 2018
Ketua DPC LVRI Pekanbaru selaku Pimpinan Ziarah Rombongan melakukan penghormatan dan meletakkan karangan bunga di TMP
Mewakili Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Bpk. Edy Teripta Sambiring Meliala Selaku Pimpinan Ziarah Rombongan Malakukan Penghormatan dan Peletakan karangan Bunga di TMB Kusuma Bhakti di Air Dingin Pekanbaru pada tgl. 4 Januari 2018
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}{Create a unique fashion style of your own. It is easy to dress like everyone else, but you should create a style all your own. You have to have a certain kind of personality to pull off fashion forward unique style, but if you try it, you can bask in multiple compliments for being different.
|On a hot summer's day, wearing your hair up can be fashionable and functional. Long, loose hair can get in the way during work or play. If you do not have time for a more elaborate style, just pull it into a cute bun.
|An easy way to keep hair off your neck and shoulders is to do a casual up-do. Long hair can sometimes be a hassle. If you have no time to spend with your hair, get an elastic hairband and pull your hair up into a bun. Even if it is a little messy, it will look cute.
}{Be very careful about how you're treating your mascara brush. Don't simply thrust it through the bottle opening when in use. This will only add oxygen to your bottle, which can hurt your brush. This action could increase the chance of bacterial growth. You can coat the brush by moving the container slightly.
}{Don't follow a trend just because it's "in." What looks amazing for a runway model might not look great on you. Follow your tastes, not whatever flavor is popular in the most recent fashion magazine. You are going to want to go with your gut on this. You won't be led down the wrong path.
|When wearing sheer clothes, make sure the sheer parts are in the right areas. Make sure that you remain classy at all times, and cover your private areas.
|Don't buy a blouse, shoes, shirt, or dress just because it's on sale for a good price. If it doesn't look good on your body, there is no reason to buy it. Instead, it will languish in your closet, reminding you of money you shouldn't have spent.
}{When you want to look slimmer, avoid stripes which run horizontally. These stripes will give the illusion of widening and this is not the look you want to achieve. Instead, wear a vertical stripe pattern that will make you look tall instead of wide.
|Coloring your hair at summertime is a good way to add some fashion to your ensemble. Make sure, however, that you do what's necessary to maintain the health of your hair. Spend the money on a solid conditioning treatment meant for colored hair, and use it religiously to keep your color pure and your hair looking healthy.
|Before you spend money on extras, make sure you have the essentials covered. Buy pieces that complement each other and are timeless. A neutral pencil skirt will be fashionable for years to come and can be updated for the seasons with a fashionable new top.